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Biblioteca LatinoamericanaFeatures the architectural design of the public library, Biblioteca Latinoamericana in San Jose, California. Focus of the design on the neighborhood public life; Symbolism of the masonry walls; Details on the interior architecture...
BAMBOZZI, Enrique. Pedagogia Latinoamericana: teoria y praxis en Paulo Freire. Cordoba. Editoral de la Universidad Nacional de Cordoba. 2000.Bambozzi, E. (2000). Pedagogia latinoam...
this information may allow a larger knowledge of this type of scientific activity, and constitute the departure base for the tasks of the cochrane ibero-american collaboration. methodology: manual search of possible controlled clinical trials...
Campos, FranciscoRivera, DianaYaguache, JennyChasqui Campos, Rivera, D. Yaguache, J.(2010) La agenda tematica digital de la prensa latinoamericana, Revista Chasqui. Campos, Rivera...