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BUZZ CUTSThe article reviews the film "Her" starring Joaquin Phoenix and Scarlett Johansson, the television program "Rake" starring Greg Kinnear, and the book "Railtown" by Ethan N. Elkind.los angeles magazine
PublicationsA Foreign; The Royal Institution.doi:10.1063/1.3062254American Institute of PhysicsPhysics Today
This section offers news briefs on the field of family medicine in the U.S. A guide on infection control ambulatory care practices has been released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The fourth annual survey o...
The article presents the common trend in fashion design particularly in street outfit in Ireland. It notes that most nightclub prohibit people to live the club of their colloquial outfit with sneakers. Nightclub owners believe that such fashion design with bright colors ...
NARCOTIC ANALGESICSA table is presented which lists several narcotic analgesics based on their active ingredients, including fentanyl, hydromorphone, and pentazocine + naloxone.Monthly Prescribing Reference
Finally, the court discerned an anti-union bias on the part of the employer. These considerations justified the extraordinary bargaining order, the court concluded.Labor Law Journal
art in america
Presents comments from the readers of 'Hopscotch' children's magazine regarding their interest in the magazine.Hopscotch
Distance learning not the answer, says OfstedThe article discusses a report on online and distance education issued by Great Britain's Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted), which found problems in its use b...