Origin of Venus From the Latin venus (the loved one, beloved), which is thought to be from the Indo-European root wenos (desire). The name is borne in Roman mythology by the goddess of love, beauty, and the springtime. She is equated with the Greek goddess Aphrodite. The planet Venus...
The name Venus is of Latin origin. The meaning of Venus is "love". It is also of English origin, where its meaning is "love, a planet". Venus is generally used as a girl's name. It consists of 5 letters and 2 syllables and is pronouncedVe-nus. ...
(AssyrianIshtar). Beekes writes, "As the goddess seems to be of oriental origin ..., the name probably comes from the East too. ... It may have entered Greek via another language." He concludes, "[I]t seems possible that the name came from the one languages [sic] which on historic...
While many may know about the Velikovsky theory of the cometary origin of the planet, few may know that Lowell drew pictures of Cytherian canals similar to the canals of Mars or that Frederick the Great of Prussia proposed to name the (once suspected) satellite of Venus D'Alembert, after ...
Taurus has two planetary rulers: Venus and Vulcan.3Venus is the personality ruler, and Vulcan is both the soul ruler and the hierarchical ruler. According to Esoteric Astrology, both Venus and Vulcan are sacred planets, while Vulcan is a “hidden” planet.4Esoteric Astrology tells us that ther...
A sharp-eyed observer might catch the moon just before the sun sets and by the time the conjunction happens (5:41 p.m. local time) Venus should be just visible against the darkening sky; the planet sets at 8:39 p.m. Eastern. From Honolulu, Hawaii, the conjunction won't be visible ...
Ancient Romanswould later name the planet in honor of their goddess of love, Venus, whereas the Greeks used the name of her Greek counterpart, Aphrodite (Phoenician Astarte). Ancient HebrewsKnew Venus as Noga ("shining"), Helel ("bright"), Ayeleth-ha-Shakhar ("deer of the dawn") and ...
As a native Italian deity, Venus had nomythsof her own. She therefore took over those of Aphrodite and, through her, became identified with various foreign goddesses. The most noteworthy result of this development is perhaps the acquisition by the planetVenusof that name. The planet was at fi...
The worship of Aphrodite was undoubtedly of eastern origin, and probably introduced from Syria to the islands of Cyprus, Cythera, and others, from whence it spread all over Greece. It is said to have been brought into Syria from Assyria. (Paus. i. 14. § 6.) Aphrodite appears to have ...
“crowns”) are landforms that apparently owe their origin to the effects of hot,buoyantblobs of material, known from terrestrial geology asdiapirs, that originate deep beneath the surface of Venus. Coronae evolve through several stages. As diapirs first rise through the planet’s interior and ...