Venus flytraps are notoriously hard to care for. However, their reputation for being challenging to grow is somewhat unwarranted. There are only a few, but quite strict, rules to follow for basic care of a Venus flytrap. Follow these basic Venus flytrap care techniques and you will have beau... Skip to the end of the images gallery Dutch Skip to the beginning of the images gallery Clayton's Red Sunset Dutch Delight Rating: 100% of100 3ReviewsAdd Your Review Dutch is a vigorous grower that can develop an unusual orange-red color inside the trap. It usually ...
While not terribly common to see on Venus flytraps, aphids do occasionally munch on Venus flytrap leaves and traps. Over the many years we’ve been growing, we’ve only seen aphids on Venus flytraps very few times. They are fairly easy to spot and also very easy to treat and eliminate....
Join theFlytrapCare forums! What's in stock?I'm New! Which Flytrap Is For Me? Venus Flytraps for Sale! We are a small southeastern Missouri Venus Flytrap nursery, run by husband and wife, Matt and Leah. We have years and years of experience in knowing how to grow the very best thriv...
venus flytraps to bed for the winter. This method could be very valuable for growers that have few options when it comes to providing dormancy for their plants. It is a good demonstration of how to put a lot of plants into dormancy with little effort and space. He has over 60 Venus ... Skip to the end of the images gallery Alien Venus Fly trap Alien Venus Fly trap Alien Venus Fly trap Skip to the beginning of the images gallery Polish Dracula Angel Wings Rating: 100% of100 25ReviewsAdd Your Review ...
Cells can communicate with each other by pores they have in their membrane, which takes care of ‘direct neighbor cell communication’ but like animals, plants can also use electrical signals for ‘long-distance communication’. Specifically in the Venus flytrap, there is electrical communication bet...
Below is a shortlist of questions we have found that people commonly ask about watering their Venus flytraps. The list is in no way comprehensive so if you have a question, feel free to shoot us an email atsales@flytrapcare.comor head on over to theFlytrapCare forumsand ask there!
Ultimate Venus Flytrap Care Guide Recent Posts The Best Peat and Sphagnum Moss for Venus Flytraps To ensure your Venus fly trap stays alive and healthy, you need to use the appropriate soil. Venus fly traps are very sensitive the nutrients present in most standard potting mixes, like Miracle...
A comprehensive list of Venus flytrap cultivars, also known as cultivated varieties or named Venus flytraps.