An initiative under Startup SG, EntrePass is a work pass aimed to support foreign founders in establishing innovative venture-backed startups in Singapore. Through EntrePass, you can look forward to joining Singapore’s vibrant tech startup community and gaining access to networking, fundraising, an...
An initiative under Startup SG, EntrePass is a work pass aimed to support foreign founders in establishing innovative venture-backed startups in Singapore. Through EntrePass, you can look forward to joining Singapore’s vibrant tech startup community and gaining access to networking, fundraising, an...
Get unlimited access to over 60 unique attractions with this iVenture Singapore Unlimited Passion Pass Choose from a list of the city's top sights such as Wings of Time, Sky Bridge, 4D Adventure Land, and more Enjoy the benefit of having a colourful brochure with tips, fun facts, and a ...
新加坡创投基金会有限公司是一家香港公司,注册于中西区,坐落于干诺道中上,该司已经成立了4年1个月14天。您可在線浏览新加坡创投基金会有限公司的英文名称、中文名称、历史名称、注册编号、成立日期、改名日期、董事等企业信息,并可为你提供“新加坡创投基金会有限公司”的信用报告服务。 Singapore Venture Capital Fund...
1.全球制造能力:Flex 在全球拥有制造设施,可以为客户提供全球范围内的生产和物流支持。2.多元化的服务:他们提供硬件设计、原型制作和供应链管理等多样化的服务,帮助客户从创意到生产的各个阶段。Singapore Technologies Engineering (ST Engineering):ST Engineering 是新加坡的综合性工程公司,业务覆盖国防、航空、海事和...
Qualgro is a venture capital (VC) fund based in Singapore that provides funding to tech startups across Southeast Asia, in areas like Data, Software, and AI.
60 Siloso Beach Walk, Singapore 098997(2 樓,海灘嘉年華運動會上方) 請參閱map 最新評價 2.5/5 11則評價 查看全部評價 DinoVenture 是一種最先進的虛擬實境 (VR) 恐龍體驗,遊客可以享受前所未有的獨特冒險的快感。 戴上VR 護目鏡,坐在座位上,準備開始一場令人腎上腺素飆升的冒險。翱翔在鬱鬱蔥蔥的綠色植物中...
Brian Ma, General Partner, and Hsu Ken Ooi, Co-Founder & Managing Partner of Iterative (Singapore based venture capital firm) have recently visited Bangladesh's smart distribution platform (B2B marketplace) PriyoShop's office. PriyoShop secured a handsome portion of its funding from Iterative in...
PwC Singapore's Venture Hub Leader, PwC Singapore Tel: +65 9755 4631 Email Maxime Blein Partner, PwC Singapore Tel: +65 8125 0437 Email Wong Wanyi FinTech Leader, PwC Singapore Tel: +65 9842 2060 Email Dr Zubin J Daruwalla Asia Pacific Health Industries Leader, PwC Singapore Tel:...
1 1、圣淘沙岛(SentosaIsland)这里有纯净的海滩、世界级的旅游胜地、海上运动场所、高尔夫球场和度假休闲中心,是广受欢迎的新加坡岛屿和旅游胜地。2 2、圣淘沙名胜世界(ResortsWorldSentosaSingapore)作为亚洲顶级一站式综合娱乐城和独一无二的家庭度假胜地,新加坡圣淘沙名胜世界集吃喝玩乐、购物住宿于一身,让时尚年轻...