Development of the brain ventricular system of vertebrates and the molecular mechanisms involved are not fully understood. The developmental genes expressed in the elements of the brain ventricular system such as the ependyma and circumventricular organs act as molecular determinants of cell adhesion criti...
The detailed mechanism of pulmonary arteriovenous malformations after Glenn surgery (G-PAVMs) in cyanotic congenital heart disease (CHD) remains unclear. Microarray in situ hybridization was performed to assess the miRNA (miRNA) profiles of serum from pediatric patients (0–6 years of age) with G...
2061 scRNA-seq cell FT labeled at E12, E13, E14, E15 from ref.19 were split in the three categories of collection time (AP, N1d and N4d). Raw counts were filtered for genes expressed with at least 100 counts in at least 2 samples, selecting APs and neurons only, as described in ...
Brain dysmorphologies are associated with malformations of the craniofacial skeletal system in 30–40% of congenital disorders 1,2,3,4. This is the case in holoprosencephaly, micro- and macrocephaly, Apert syndrome, Down syndrome, Williams syndrome, Rett syndrome and Fragile X syndrome 5,6,7,8...
A paradoxical increase in the severity of hypertension followed icv opioid antagonist administration. This suggests an involvement of the opioid system in the mechanisms of blood pressure control. The paradoxical results obtained both for pain threshold and blood pressure after low doses of some opioid...
The results demonstrated that the antidipsogenic effects of the oligonucleotides were dose and time-dependent and were limited to those thirst challenges that involve activation of the renin-angiotensin system. Collectively, these results demonstrate the efficacy and behavioral specificity of these ...
decrease in the acute complications of MI, such as acutecongestive heart failure(CHF),myocardial rupture,arrhythmias, and conduction system disorders. However, with more patients surviving the initial stage of AMI, the development of late complications of AMI become a more prominent health care ...
This research strategy addressed the complexity of cardio- vascular system and tissue heterogeneity complicated by differen- tial gene expression and splice variation. Our findings associate ICM with altered expression of CACNG7 and FXYD1 in atrial and ventricular myocytes and show that these cells ...
The improvements in treatment of AMI have resulted in better survival and a decrease in the acute complications of MI, such as acute congestive heart failure (CHF), myocardial rupture, arrhythmias, and conduction system disorders. However, with more patients surviving the initial stage of AMI, the...
Global LV function was evaluated in all mice after light sedation (2% isoflurane) using a Vevo 770 imaging system and a 707 scan head (VisualSonics, Miami, Florida) as described previously (12). The first echocardiogram was obtained 1 week after surgery. The left ventricular ejection fraction ...