These verbs mean to hit heavily and repeatedly with violent blows: beat each other with sticks; a ship battered by storm waves; buffeted him with her open palm; hammered his opponent with his fists; troops pounded by mortar fire; pummeled the bully soundly; dolphins thrashing the water with...
field of fire - the area that a weapon or group of weapons can cover effectively with gun fire from a given position grounds - a tract of land cleared for some special purposes (recreation or burial etc.) athletic field, playing area, playing field, field - a piece of land prepared for...
A GABAergic system in atrioventricular node pacemaker cells controls electrical conduction between the atria and ventricles Article Open access 07 June 2024 In vivo and ex vivo electrophysiological study of the mouse heart to characterize the cardiac conduction system, including atrial and ventricular ...