Current standards and guidelines are not enough for the required ventilation in confined space nor do they sufficiently accentuate need for ventilation nor provide guidance on how to ventilate confined spaces based upon area, volume etc. Ventilation is optimistic engineering control that can usually be...
Studies on airflow through a mine ventilation network using tracer gas have revealed that quality of air is affected by the presence of dead spaces along the mine airways. To further study the effect of dead spaces on quality of air in dead space, studies were conducted in both laboratory mo...
In the outbreak of respiratory diseases such as COVID-19, this ventilation factor is particularly important for the assessment of effective ventilation in confined spaces. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) techniques can be used to simulate individual cases and obtain more accurate and case-specific ...
分类: 化学化工|查看相关文献(pubmed)|免费全文文献 详细解释: 以下为句子列表: 英文: Forced ventilation should be provided when applying paint in confined spaces or stagnant air. 中文: 在狭窄处或空气不流通处施工,必须提供强力通风。更详细... ...
英文: Forced ventilation should be provided when applying paint in confined spaces or stagnant air.中文: 在狭窄处或空气不流通处施工,必须提供强力通风。英文: Ventilation: Good general or local exhaust ventilation are required for usage.中文: 通风措施:需要使用适当的通风装置。
Advice on improvement of the ventilation systems keeping energy efficiency in mind Dispersion of pollutants emitted inside the confined spaces due to human occupancy or industrial processes Coupling with the external air quality, transfer of gaseous pollutants and particles from outdoor to indoor. ...
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Buildings are an important source of energy consumption in developed countries. In Europe, buildings account for approximately 40% of final energy consumption. Increasing demands for thermal comfort and concerns on health and hygiene levels in confined spaces are likely to push this figure upwards. V...
Forced ventilationshould be provided when applying paint in confined spaces or stagnant air. 在狭窄处或空气不流通处施工,必须提供强力通风. 互联网 展开全部 行业词典 冶金学 压入式通风 煤炭 压入式通风通风机向井下或风筒输送空气的通风方法。 电力 ...
The ventilation task is to regulate the air change in a confined enclosure to create the intended temperature, velocity, concentration field, etc. For mechanical ventila- tion, the air is supplied to given spaces in the form of jets by air diffusers or openings of the air passage. The ...