The Effects of Exercise on Venous Return, Blood Pressure and Abdominal Pressure in Varanus exanthematicusBerkeley Electronic Press Selected Worksdoi:10.1016/S1095-6433(02)00325-2Suzanne L. MunnsLynn K. HartzlerColleen G. FarmerAlbert F. Bennett...
accompanying vein, vena comitans - a vein accompanying another structure; a vein may accompany an artery in such a way that the arterial pulses aid venous return anastomotic vein, vena anastomotica - either of two communicating veins serving the brain angular vein, vena angularis - a short vei...
venous thrombosis- thrombosis of a vein without prior inflammation of the vein; associated with sluggish blood flow (as in prolonged bedrest or pregnancy or surgery) or with rapid coagulation of the blood phlebothrombosis surgery- the branch of medical science that treats disease or injury by oper...
Importance of Venous Return, Venous Resistance, and Mean Circulatory Pressure in the Physiology and Management of ShockHumansVeinsHeart AtriaShock, SepticShockCardiac OutputFluid TherapyBlood PressureVascular ResistanceVenous PressurePHYSIoLoGIC BACKGROUND A reasonable, unifying definition of shock at the ...
Related to venous blood: mixed venous blood, Venous Blood Gas, venous blood pressureblood blood, fluid pumped by the heart that circulates throughout the body via the arteries, veins, and capillaries (see circulatory system; heart). An adult male of average size normally has about 6 quarts ...
title: mean systemic filling pressure : from guyton to the icu chapter 3 assessment of venous return curve and mean systemic fi lling pressure in postopera... Purpose To assess the level of agreement between different bedside estimates of effective circulating blood volume—mean systemic filling pr...
Cardiac function → venous return to the heart Right ventricular function Intravascular fluid volume status If heart cant accept blood, it will back up into venous system Will affect intravascular fluid volume status The central venous catheter (CVC) also ...
Isoproterenol infused into the ascending aorta or the right atrium increased the venous return and heart rate and decreased systemic blood pressure. The increase in venous return produced by isoproterenol given into the right atrium was not significantly different from that produced by isoproterenol ...
The effect on blood pressure and mood/sensation changes caused by fostering venous return during dialysis decrease in blood pressure rate of change, during the latter half of dialysis, and the conditions fostering venous return did not show such a decrease. ... Y Hitomi,M Hayashi,Y Kinugawa,....