physical examination of venomous snakes is sometimes required for veterinary treatment,sex determination, assisted feeding and variousresearch applications (e.g., scale counts, blood ortissue sampling, etc.). However, this is a dangeroustask; 87.5% of snakebite incidents in academicinstitutions with ve...
A flood along the River Benue in October 2012 resulted in a large increase in the population of venomous snakes in the Duguri District. La rivero Benué kaŭzis inundon en oktobro de 2012, rezulte en granda pliigo en la populacio de venenaj serpentoj en la distriktoj Duguri kaj...
known as toxins, affect a wide variety of physiological processes, making them particularly interesting for the development of new pharmacological agents. While the venoms of some animal groups, such as snakes, spiders, scorpions, and insects, have been extensively studied, the venom of mar...