Reid HA: Bites by foreign venomous snakes in Britain. Br Med J 1978, 1(6127):1598–1600. 10.1136/bmj.1.6127.1598 Article PubMed Central CAS PubMed Google Scholar Reid HA: Antivenom reactions and efficacy. Lancet 1980, 1(8176):1024. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar World Health Organiz...
producing venom in a specialized gland and capable of inflicting injury or death the vipers, pit vipers, and coral snakes are venomous venomous 例句 1.His curse is venomous and you wince involuntarily. 2.So when I sat down to write my public letter of apology, it dripped with venomous sin...
He plunges deep into teeming crowds in search of such vermin as flies andvenomousmosquitoes. 他深入人丛中,找寻苍蝇、毒蚊等等危害人类的东西. 期刊摘选 We kept a vigilant eye out for alligators and forvenomoussnakes. 我们警惕地睁大眼睛,以防短吻鳄和毒蛇的出现. ...
View in context There are no venomous reptiles, and no snakes of any description to be found in any of the valleys. View in context Like a venomous snake the man leaped toward the stern of the boat, and with a single swift blow struck Tarzan across the head with the heavy paddle. View...
“Habitat restoration and the creation of wildlife corridors will help get these snakes back on the move. We may even consider moving adders between populations, to artificially promote “gene flow” - although that carries risks and we’d need to look more closely at the genetics results before...
He plunges deep into teeming crowds in search of such vermin as flies andvenomousmosquitoes. 他深入人丛中,找寻苍蝇、毒蚊等等危害人类的东西. 期刊摘选 We kept a vigilant eye out for alligators and forvenomoussnakes. 我们警惕地睁大眼睛,以防短吻鳄和毒蛇的出现. ...
英英释义行业释义网络释义 noun 1.extremely poisonous or injurious; producing venom; venomous snakes 2.harsh or corrosive in tone; an acerbic tone piercing otherwise flowery prose 3.marked by deep ill will; deliberately harmful; a malevolent lie...
venom(n.) mid-13c.,venim,venin,venym, "poison secreted by some animals and transferred by biting," from Anglo-French and Old Frenchvenim,venin"poison; malice," from Vulgar Latin*venimen(source also of Italianveleno, Spanishveneno) and directly from Latinvenenum"poison," earlier (pre-classi...
which had been placed in museum collections for 150 years. During the past 15 years, the team also amassed tissue samples from additional specimens to compare the DNA of the potentially new snake species to the DNA from other snakes in Central America. Their findings concluded that the snake ...
In Europe, a polyvalent antiserum against Viperidae family snakes (including the common adder) can be used. Antivenins often may cause severe hypersensitivity reactions because of their protein nature. The bite of the common adder (the only poisonous snake in such countries as Lithuania and Great...