Black Racer Snake: Orlando Florida is home to many species of snakes, but black racer snakes are in abundance in this part of the country. With an average size of 51 to 142cm, these non-venomous snakes are easy to come by in Florida if you spend time around your garden or lawn often...
With snakes being cold-blooded animals, it's no surprise they are more active as temperatures start to warm up. They're ready to get out into the sun just like you are after long winter. But winter hasn't been quite as LONG in some areas of the U.S. that are experiencing warmer te...
Let's Begin with Copperheads... Copperhead snakes are the most common venomous snake in the Eastern US. They are in the pit viper family (Crotalidae,pronounced Crow-tAl-a-day). They are also in the genusAgkistrodone (pronounced ag-kiss-trow-doe-ne), which includes the cottonmouth or wa...
The species is not aggressive to humans, and bites tend to occur if a snake is intentionally harassed or accidentally stepped on, according to the Florida Museum. Their venom, which the snakes administer in about 75% to 80% of bites, kills red blood cells and causes severe tissue damage....
approach. They can strike a victim up to two-thirds of their body length away, injecting a large quantity of venom with each bite. The species is not aggressive to humans, and bites tend to occur if a snake is intentionally harassed or accidentally stepped on,according to the Florida ...