outtask outtell Outterm outthank outthieve outthink outthrob outthrow outthrust Outtoil outtongue outtop outtower outtrade outtravel out-tray outtrick outtrot outtrump outturn Outtwine outvalue outvaunt outvenom outvie outvillain outvoice
Standing just over 12" tall,
Respiratory arrest may be precipitated by obstruction of the upper airway by the paralysed tongue or inhaled vomitus. Intercostal muscles are affected before the limbs, diaphragm and superficial muscles, and, even in patients with generalized flaccid paralysis, slight movements of the digits may be ...
In Papua New Guinea, it is estimated that among more than 3000 snakebites each year, 1500 result in envenoming with 207 deaths in health facilities, and 780 outside hospitals (David J. Williams, personal communication). Europe In Britain, there are an estimated 100 hospital admissions for ...
after his big story—the identity of a villain named Sin-Eater—turned out to be wrong. He blamed his downfall on Peter Parker, aka Spider-Man. Meanwhile, Spider-Man had gone off to the interdimensional Secret War and returned with a new black costume, in Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars ...
Venom has a very muscular, black (sometimes blue) body that resembles the Symbiote he originated from. He has white eyes with no pupils, sharp yellow teeth, and a long tongue. A huge white spider is printed across his chest. Except for the teeth, tongue, and black and white color-scheme...
38 、Brock spits out his bittervenomwith strong words (see above) on nearly every song.───他沉痛蛇毒吐口水Brock系列强词(见上文)几乎每首歌。 39 、People and animals if they are coated withvenomthat is stab death weapon, so called "Antiaris throat.───人和动物若被涂有毒汁的利器刺伤...
Venom Costume - Eddie Brock With a Symbiote - Puppet and an Extra Arm.: I wanted to be Eddie Brock from Venom... so i made a venom puppet out of a foam antelope head.
Venom's appearance is mostly similar to that of his comic book counterpart, being a large monstrous-looking creature made of black liquefied slime with eyes that have a white outline, a long tongue, a mouth filled with razor-sharp teeth, a muscular physique, white veins all over his body ...
With a bloodthirsty nature, the otherworldly Venom symbiote bonds to heroes and villains, empowering them with spider-like and shapeshifting abilities.