The second installment, Venom: Let There Be Carnage, debuted in October 2021 to $90 million, a boon for theater owners who were still recovering from the pandemic and a major win for Sony. Related Stories Movies Box Office: 'Mufasa,' 'One of Them Days' Maul 'Wolf Man' Over Slow ...
However, they don't indicate on who that character could be. Then there's THR, who makes a point of saying that it won't be Carnage, even though that's the character Sony Pictures has been looking to cast.Ahmed was rumored to have been considered for the part of Carnage and according...
‘Venom: Let There Be Carnage’ Chews up Korea’s Box Office Weekend Film 3 years International Box Office: ‘Venom 2’ Rips Into $62.3 Million, ‘No Time to Die’ Nears $450 Million Globally Film 3 years James Bond Continues Reign Over U.K. Box Office as Hollywood Competition Loo...