, later known as Venom, is the main antagonist of the 2007 superhero film Spider-Man 3, the third and final installment of Sam Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy, and the main protagonist of its tie-in comic book Spider-Man 3: The Black. He was a former freelance photographer and Peter ...
Like a web and you just caught in 'em Held against your will like a hubcap or mud flap Beat...
In the Metal Gear series, Venom Snake is the third Big Boss and the sixth canonical Snake. His true role, like Solid Snake's, is unveiled through a plot twist. Venom Snake holds the distinction of being the first Snake to die in the series and is uniquely killed by Solid Snake. Prov...
How can I be down me and bizarre in florida Proof's room slept on the floor of 'da motel then Dr. dre said, hell yeah And I got his stamp like a postcard, word to mel man And I know they're gonna hate But I don't care, I barely can wait ...
And i got his stamp like a postcard, word to Mel-ManAnd i know they're gonna hate but i don't care, IBarely could wait to hit them with the snare and the bassSquare in the face, this *** world better prepare to get lacedBecause they're gonna taste myVenom(I got that) Adrenal...
And I got his stamp like a postcard word to Mel-man And I know they're gonna hate But I don't care I barely can wait To hit 'em with the snare and the bass Square in the face this f**kin' World better prepare to get laced ...
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