TheNew York Timesponders the cultural question“When Is a Horror Movie Not a Horror Movie?” A few days before Halloween, the @NetflixFilm Twitter accountput out a call: “What movie isn’t technically a horror movie but feels like a horror movie to you?” Included was a photo of a ...
All fieldsTitleAbstractKeywordsAuthorsAffiliationsDoiFull TextReferences Open AccessArticle by Sedef Terzioglu 1, Mátyás A. Bittenbinder 1,2, Julien Slagboom 1,3, Bas van de Velde 1,3, Nicholas R. Casewell 4and Jeroen Kool 1,3,*
As a representative native long-chain α-neurotoxin, we chose α‐cobratoxin (P01391) fromNaja kaouthia, one of the most extensively characterized toxins in the 3FTx family42(Fig.1). Of 42 RFdiffusion designs against α-cobratoxin, one candidate had a binding affinity of 1.3 µM using...