Respiratory InsufficiencyPulmonary Heart DiseaseVascular DiseasesLe-Tan-Vinh, Tran-Van-Duc, Huault G, Gallet JP, Joly C, Aussannaire M, Thieffry S.G HuaultJ P GalletC JolyM AussannaireS ThieffryArch Fr PediatrArchives Franaises De Pédiatrie...
These are directly related to the choice of the intensity of the conditioning regimen, the type of donor and HLA-matching or the GvHD prophylaxis. Given alloreactivity contributes to endothelial damage and SOS/VOD pathophysiology, the risk of SOS/VOD increases with the alloreactivity level. It is...
The patient presented with a maximum serum bilirubin of 25.4 mg/dl, weight gain (10% of baseline weight), generalized edema, cardiovascular insufficiency, complement activation, jaundice and a decreased AT and protein C functional activity. After VOD and CL were diagnosed the patient was treated ...
At the initiation of DF, all 19 patients had evidence of multiorgan dysfunction; median bilirubin was 22.3 mg/dL, 12 patients had renal insufficiency (5 dialysis dependent), 14 required oxygen supplementation, and encephalopathy was present in 8 patients. Beginning a median of 6 days after ...
The main reason of veno-occlusive ED (VOED) is the insufficiency venous obstruction in corpora cavernosa under tunica albuginea that is why all types of veno-occlusive operations have particular and short term effect up to renovation of venous leakage in half year. Conservative treatment of VOED...
Exclusion criteria were neurological, psychological, endocrinal, and arterial insufficiency ED. Also, patients with malignancies, chronic renal failure, liver cell failure, urological congenital abnormalities, pelvic surgery, pelvic radiation, or trauma and patients on medications known to cause ED were ...
Clinical signs are painful hepatomegaly, weightgain due to ascites and renal insufficiency which is believed to be of prerenal origin like in the hepato-renal syndrome. Diagnosis is based on clinical criteria: hyperbilirubinemia > 2 mg/ dl, painful hepatomegaly, fluidretention, weightgain > 5%...
Respiratory InsufficiencyFatigueHistologyOral ContraceptivesLevonorgestrelEthinyl EstradiolDeveloped CountriesData CollectionThis is the first reported case of the rare condition called pulmonary venoocclusive disease in a young women who had used an oral contraceptive. The 24-year old women had used Trinor...
On day +9, she developed VOD associated with oliguria, renal and respiratory insufficiency necessitating mechanical ventilation. Further complications were disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) and potentially CsA-induced thrombocytopenic purpura requiring support with cellular and plasmatic blood products...