Once you have tried every corrective measure, your last option should be to get in touch with customer support at Venmo. Kindly make them aware of thecurrent issueand what you have already tried to fix it. They may request you todelete the accountand reinstall app or any other measure as ...
I tried both of these two options - private browser and clearing the cash and manually entered the username and password and it is still not working. 4 Reply dhcook11 Level 2 September 01, 2023 12:56 PM I'm having the exact same issue. It's SOOOO ...
Venmo policies will not allow you to make 2 different accounts from the same username or same identity. If you have tried to make the same identity accounts then the authorities will identify you and will ban your accounts immediately. How To Send Money To Yourself On Venmo? Following are al...
Once you have a money source connected, you can make payments to anyone as long as you have their Venmo username (if you don't, you can always search by the recipient's name in the app). Payments can have notes attached to explain what the payment is for, e.g. dinner or rent. Tr...