Live webcam of Venice Beach and the Boardwalk fromThe Sidewalk Cafe. Live cam of Muscle Beach Gym, the beach and the Venice boardwalk fromMuscle Beach Nutrition. Live cam of the North end of the Venice Boardwalk fromJuice Magazine headquarters. Live Surf Cam of the Venice Pier, Venice Beach...
Happy 46th birthday to the Sidewalk Cafe! Artist Lauren Peggy Doyle REMEMBERING VENICE SKATE LEGEND JAY ADAMS! Original Z-Boy! Local Non Profits Arbor Artist Collection: Boss Dog Clean Beach Poster Contest Winners Meet Patrick Marston, the Venice Pride Rainbow Lifeguard Tower artist! Street Paddle...
This is the original Venice Beach Cottage, located on one of Venice’s unique Walk Streets with a sidewalk in front of the house leading directly to the beach a block and a half away. Back when we rented out the place as a vacation rental, you could forget hotels, save money and stay...