Besides all the changes to Vengeance Demon Hunter's core features, The War Within still has major implications for all specs thanks to the Hero Talent Tree system, new tier sets, and the natural reduction in secondary stats when entering a new expansion. Vengeance Demon Hunter gets to choose ...
UseFractureto build Fury and Soul Fragments. UseSpirit Bombwith 4+ Soul Fragments. UseSoul Cleaveto dump Fury after usingSpirit Bomb. 5.1. Vengeance Demon Hunter War Mode Talents for Leveling Questing in War Mode provides at least 10% additional experience and three new talents to choose. You...
GSE: SLG - Demon Hunter (Vengeance) Sequences/Macros 恶魔猎手 当前评分:880.0 功能说明更新日志历史版本安装说明 50967 最后更新:2025-01-31 10:00 插件大小:307.95kb 最新版本号:GSE3-ScaryLarryGames_DemonHunter-Vengeance 插件来源:curseforge 插件作者:ScaryLarryGames...
Hekili Priority Helper for DPS and Tanks (WoW Retail) - History for TheWarWithin/DemonHunterVengeance.lua - Hekili/hekili
Hekili Priority Helper for DPS and Tanks (WoW Retail) - hekili/TheWarWithin/Priorities/DemonHunterVengeance.simc at 696931e6728ef599ff3dde05b430f12c1760699f · Hekili/hekili
Returning player looking for an AoTC guild I prefer weekday raiding as weekends I usually spend with my family. I am looking for a guild who needs/wants a tank that used to tank Mythic content. I do not mind dabbling in …
Gems and enchants for optimizing a level 80 Demon Hunter Vengeance. Updated for patch 11.0.7. Consumables Potions, flasks, and other important consumables for optimizing a level 80 Demon Hunter Vengeance. Updated for patch 11.0.7. Talent Builds ...
技能 基础 语言: 简体 版本: v2.6.1 血腥复仇 物理 你的憎恨值上限提高25点。此外,每当你被生命球治疗时,你还能获得30点憎恨值和3点戒律值。 觸發係數:100% 解鎖于等級:13
血海深仇 25點憎恨和點戒律值。
向一个大面积区域散射大量箭矢。箭矢从天而降,在5秒内对区域内的所有敌人造成1500%的武器伤害。 觸發係數:4% 解鎖于等級:30 其他技能 名称等级 复仇之雨30 集束箭27 多重射击22 扫射19 等級符文属性描述觸發係數 35 倾天箭雨 物理 射出大量自动制导的箭矢,如雨点般砸在敌人身上,在8秒内对其造成3500%的武器伤...