2. Getting a Better Understanding of Vengeance Demon Hunter Stats 1. The Basics of Stats for Vengeance Demon Hunter The defensive stat priority for Vengeance Demon Hunter is as follows: Agility; Haste; Critical Strike/Versatility; Mastery.
Best Flask for Vengeance Demon Hunter in The War Within If you are using Tempered Potion you should always use Flask of Alchemical Chaos. The stats provided from the flask will be random, but it will increase the potency of Tempered Potion since it will activate all four secondary stats compa...
1. Vengeance Demon Hunter Leveling Guide for The War Within 2. Gear Options 3. Rotation and Talent Breakdown 4. Talents to Level Up as Vengeance Demon Hunter 5. Rotation while leveling up 6. Congratulations! 1. Vengeance Demon Hunter Leveling Guide for The War Within ...
Besides all the changes to Vengeance Demon Hunter's core features, The War Within still has major implications for all specs thanks to the Hero Talent Tree system, new tier sets, and the natural reduction in secondary stats when entering a new expansion. Vengeance Demon Hunter gets to choose ...
2. Talent Cheatsheet for Vengeance Demon Hunter 3. Champion of the Light Full Champion of the Light Strategy Guide 3.1. Tips The tank swap mechanic on this encounter is Sacred Blade, although you may not want to do a full tank swap, in order to keep the boss and adds separated as muc...