The Playback API request failed for an unknown reason Error Code: VIDEO_CLOUD_ERR_UNKNOWN Technical details : Unknown catalog request error. Session ID: 2025-02-06:e5c413d3438afa4d6162140 Player Element ID: vjs_video_3 OK Close Modal DialogRafael Teodoro Zubillaga expanded his vision for a ...
Barreiras e facilitadores do enfrentamento de HIV/aids e sífilis por venezuelanas residentes no Brasildoi:10.26633/RPSP.2023.3UNIVERSAL healthcareHEALTH services accessibilitySEXUALLY transmitted diseasesMEDICAL careWOMEN'S healthObjective. To describe the perception of Venezuelan women re...
The ORP measurements, represented by the Eh values, are semi-quantitative given that a more representative value of the bulk soil ORP is obtained by using different probes with a defined distance between them. Therefore, the Eh values are not discussed into detail. The Ehvs.pH plot showed two...
Enfrentamento de HIV/aids e sífilis em mulheres venezuelanas migrantes na perspectiva de gestores de saúde no Norte do Brasildoi:10.26633/RPSP.2023.83SEXUALLY transmitted diseasesMEDICAL careWOMEN'S healthIMMIGRANTSObjective. To identify the perception of health managers regarding th...