Scott Weiland Cause of Death: Accidental Overdose Former Stone Temple Pilots and Velvet Revolver singer died of an overdose of cocaine, ethanol and MDA Music By Kory Grow Scott Weiland's Final Hours Detailed in Police Report Numerous drugs and medications found on singer's tour bus, with a "...
Meanwhile, Rose released the long-awaited Guns N' Roses albumChinese Democracyin November of 2008, which featured contributions from a revolving cast of musicians that had played with the singer since Slash and McKagan left the group in the late '90s. Velvet Revolver had gone on hiatus right a...
This album was created before Revolver and Pet Sounds were unleashed upon an unsuspecting world, when psychedelic music was just in its infancy, and several decades before anything close to this kind of music would be popular. Its often been said that very few people heard this record back in...