Tainton, N. 1999, Veld Management in South Africa, University of Natal Press, Pietermartizburg.Owen - Smith N. 1999. Animal factor in veld management In: Veld management in South Africa. (Edited by N. Taiton). Univ. of Natal Press. Scottsville. pp118 - 124.Tainton N M 1999 Veld ...
Evaluation of Indigenous Fynbos and Renosterveld Species for Cover Crop Management in the Vineyards of the Coastal Wine Grape Region, South Africa Four treatments in which fynbos and renosterveld species were employed as cover crops, and two treatments in which exotic species were used as cover ...
Elkem Carbon acquired a 50% stake in the company, leading to the formation of a new joint venture with Samancor Chrome. As part of the agreement, Elkem assumed management control of the joint venture.
in South Africa.30Al-though the Nama-speaking population dominates the area, some Oshiwambo speakersand other groups are also found in the area.Proponents of transfrontier conservation argue that local communities should beinvolved through representation in legal and management structures and participate...
Tainton, N. 1999, Veld Management in South Africa, University of Natal Press, Pietermartizburg.Owen - Smith N. 1999. Animal factor in veld management In: Veld management in South Africa. (Edited by N. Taiton). Univ. of Natal Press. Scottsville. pp118 - 124....
Bush Encroachment and Veld Management in South-central Africa: the Need for a Reap- praisal. Biological Conservation 5 (2): 96-104.Strang, R. M. (1973). Bush encroachment and veld management in south-central Africa: the need for a reappraisal. Biological Conservation 5(2), 96-104....
Forest Ecology and Management, 234(Suppl.), S219.Kruger FJ, Forsyth GG, Kruger LM, Slater K, Le Maitre DC, Matshate J. Classification of veldfire risk in South Africa for the administration of the legislation regarding fire management. Forest Ecology and Management. 2006;234, Supplement(0)...
O'Connor T.G., Martindale G, Morris, C.D., Short A., Witkowski E.T.F. and Scott-Shaw R. (2011). Influence of Grazing Management on Plant Diversity of Highland Sourveld Grassland, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Rangeland Ecology & Management, in press....
Roberts BR (1969) Application of veld management in South Africa. Proceedings of the Grassland Society of South Africa 4: 92-98Roberts BR 1969. Application of veld management in South Africa - an analysis of progress. Proceedings of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa 4:92-98....
The influence of ecosystem goods and services on livestock management practices on the Bokkeveld plateau, South Africa. Agriculture, Ecosystems \& Environment, 122(3), pp.312-324.O'Farrell, P.J., Donaldson, J.S., Hoffman, M.T., 2007. The influence of ecosystem goods and services on ...