Sébastien Kopp 和 François-Ghislain Morillion 两位好友于 2004 年创立了 Veja 鞋履,证明了风格和可持续性这两大元素并非相互排斥。为了支持当地经济,这个法国品牌直接从巴西亚马逊雨林的小生产者那里采购生态材料。每款高品质 Veja 运动鞋的设计均经过深思熟虑,体现了对...
Christmas may be behind us, but Veja's post-holiday sale is spreading cheer with 45% off on select styles across retailers like REI, ShopBop and Zappos.
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VEJA Black Friday Sale, now on at SVD VEJA has been manufacturing sustainable sneakers since 2005, using environmentally friendly materials and processes, reducing carbon emissions year after year and safeguarding not only the environment but also the people who are part of the project. VEJA shoes ...
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Shop the Veja Recife Logo Sneakers at goop.com. Discover product details, pricing, sizing, styling suggestions and more.