major vein of the thigh that receives blood from the deep femoral and great saphenous vein fibular vein (f) vein that also drains the leg (calf and foot) gastric vein Stomach gonadal vein drains reproductive veins great saphenous vein Longest vein in the body hemiazygos Drains into left brachi...
longest vein in the body on medial aspect of lower limb; ends by passing through saphenous hiatus (opening in fascia lata) todrain into the femoral vein drains sole and dorsum of foot (via digital, dorsal metatarsal, and dorsal venous arch) and thigh Small Saphenous Vein passes behind lateral...
carries oxygenated blood away from the heart, more muscular and deeper within the body veins Carry deoxygenated blood from the tissues back to the heart, contains valves and are less muscular, just beneath surface of the skin pulmonary artery Carries deoxygentated blood from the heart to the lun...
quizlette78322595 預覽 3 - Orbital Cavity 52個詞語 zeiglerpm2 預覽 A&P wiley ch 21 30個詞語 Bond031302 預覽 Male Reproductive System 16個詞語 marisamc29 預覽 muscles of torso abdomen 5個詞語 danafitz0209 預覽 HBS 2.1 ( functions of the Brain ) 30個詞語 ALLYSON_HALL6 預覽 lymphatic system ...
5.2.8 Section Quiz 10個詞語 CannonJellies 預覽 Final Exam Review (Opt Out Version) 老師31個詞語 bbonsignore9 預覽 Certiport Software Development #1-4 77個詞語 quizlette382374965 預覽 The integumentary System Chapter 16 94個詞語 amer1ca8 預覽 Parts of the Eye 10個詞語 Josiah_Franklin73 預覽 ...
*MOST of your blood-2/3-is always in your veins*Hold Largest Blood Volume--> Send blood back to the heart Venous Pressure 17mmHg at Capillary End to 0mmHg at the Vena CavaDuring inspiration, vessels in Thorax may have negative pressureBP needs help getting blood up to the heart--> ...
Chapter 27 - The Reproductive System 26個詞語 princess_khim 預覽 2.THE BLOOD 16個詞語 lillyandloki 預覽 Respiratory System 87個詞語 evee-w 預覽 lotta arteries - just before entering vascular lacuna 12個詞語 ahiilani818 預覽 Biopsychology: Study of Brain and Behavior - flashcards 9個詞語 cdc81...
Urinary System Quiz 30個詞語 Blood rejection 10個詞語 anatomy structure of the body 16個詞語 Bone Lab Practical 41個詞語 Chapter 6 vocab 23個詞語 Bones of the Appendicular Skeleton 15個詞語 這個學習集的練習題 學習 1 / 7 選擇正確的詞語 ...
body directional terms 15個詞語 twynncoffman 預覽 Anatomical terms 19個詞語 Richard_Coley74 預覽 Urinary System Anatomy 48個詞語 quizlette32879564 預覽 AP Exam 4 91個詞語 katlinhudson151 預覽 Lecture 16 BIOL/NEUR 3400 20個詞語 hensonke 預覽 ANATOMY- Chapter 2 The Chemical Basis of Life 46個詞...