VeinMiner Download Server Installation Getting Started Mining Ores Changing Mining Mode Configuring the Blocklist Adjusting the Pattern Per-Tool Configuration Commands and Permissions Common Issues Helpful Links Plugins AcceptTheRules Minecraft Plugin AngelChest Minecraft Plugin Aurelium Skills...
VeinMiner Companion is a client-sided Fabric mod that integrates with the VeinMiner plugin for CraftBukkit and Spigot (etc.) servers. In short, it allows users to: Create a configurable keybind to enable vein miner Display an indicator next to the cursor when vein miner is active Render a w...
permissionRestricted Only players with veinminer.use permission can veinmine false mergeItemDrops All item drops are merged to the source block false autoUpdate Check for updates and download new version if available false durabilityDecrease If each mined block should reduce durability trueBlock...