b.A blood vessel of any kind; a vein or artery:felt the blood pounding in her veins. c.Something that looks like a blood vessel, such as the hindgut of a shrimp. 2.BotanyOne of the strands of vascular tissue that form the conducting and supporting framework in a leaf or other expande...
brachial vein,vena brachialis- two veins in either arm that accompany the brachial artery and empty into the axillary vein brachiocephalic vein,innominate vein,vena brachiocephalica- veins formed by the union of the internal jugular and subclavian veins ...
Veinlite NEO® SKU: VNEO AvailabilityIn stock $299.00 Quantity : FOR NEONATES Veinlite NEO is a clinically proven neonatal vein finder designed for use on newborns and infants (under 8 weeks). With its unique combination of through-the-body transillumination, adjustable color, and light settings...
同时,也可以将“vein”与其他类似的词汇进行比较和联想,如“artery”(动脉)等。 单词造句: The doctor examined the patient's veins carefully. 医生仔细检查了病人的血管。 She has a unique vein of humor that makes everyone laugh. 她有一种独特的幽默感,让每个人都大笑不止。 They struck a rich vein...
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To easily visually judge discrimination between the artery and the vein by displaying a kind of the blood vessel by a classification by color by detecting whether it is the artery or the vein from bloodstream information detected by an ultrasonic echo signal.LEE MIN HWA...
10.Portalveinwas invaded in 3 cases and presented as infiltration, stegnosis or occlusion of thevein. 10.肿瘤侵及门静脉3例,表现为门脉侧壁浸润、门脉缩窄或闭塞。 评价该例句:好评差评指正 11.Anastomosed the inferior epigastric artery andveinof paraomphalic flap with the corresponding facial arter...
The retinal arteries and veins were differentiated by evaluating sequential FA images, particularly the early transit phase images, as shown in Fig. S1. Figure 1(b) shows an FA image. The morphology of both artery and vein is visualized. FA images were used to evaluate blood flow before ...
(Anatomy) Any of the membranous tubes that form a branching system and carry blood to the heart from the cells, tissues, and organs of the body. Vessel An airship. Vein A blood vessel of any kind; a vein or artery Felt the blood pounding in her veins. Vessel (Anatomy) A duct, cana...
Xiangqian Wu[1]School of Computer Science and TechnologySpringer Singapore国际计算机前沿大会会议论文集Yang, Y., Bu, W., Wang, K., Zheng, Y., and Wu, X. (2016). Automated artery-vein classification in fundus color images. Communications in Computer and Informa- tion Science, 623:228-237....
testicular vein (redirected fromSpermatic vein) Dictionary Medical Encyclopedia Related to Spermatic vein:vena testicularis </>embed</> nut ball egg orchis testis testicle ballock venous blood... vena testicul... testicular... noun Synonyms for testicular vein ...