问题: 在 Civil 3D 或 AutoCAD 上安装 Vehicle Tracking 后,用户 界面中缺少相应的选项卡、菜单和功能区。 原因: 不同的 AutoCAD/Civil 3D 和 Vehicle Tracking 版本。 Vehicle Tracking 必需的文件未正确加载(CUIX、DLL)。 CUIX 已损坏。 功能区已隐藏...
在安装Vehicle Tracking的情况下启动AutoCAD产品时,显示多个错误。错误消息可能包括以下内容之一:加载失败: ui.dll中的InitialiseVTModule失败 UI初始化失败内部错误:尝试注册类“atraSavoyGeneralEnitity”两次 解决方案: 执行以下操作: 通过以下步骤,将atraXXX_arx.arx和atraXXX_dbx.dbx*文件替换为工作计算机中的文件: ...
問題: Civil 3D または AutoCAD に加えて Vehicle Tracking をインストールすると、対応するタブ、メニュー、リボンがユーザ インタフェースに表示されなくなります。 原因: AutoCAD/Civil 3D と Vehicle Tracking のバージョンが異なる Vehicle...
从AutoCAD 运行 Autodesk Vehicle Tracking 的步骤 正常运行 AutoCAD。 如果您的系统设置正确,Autodesk Vehicle Tracking 应位于顶部菜单栏。Vehicle Tracking 尚未加载,但一旦选择 Vehicle Tracking 命令,便可加载。如果工具栏不可见,则可以从 Vehicle Tracking 菜单中选择“显示工具栏”以使其显示。 单击任意 Vehicle...
Vehicle Tracking System Crack, is the next level and most advanced software to date. With just one-click, AutoCAD and micro-station users can create and analyze extremely accurate roadway conditions, map them to a project, analyze vehicle flow patterns, determine the number of lanes and other ...
程序可以通过适当的估算来计算与车辆的加速度,位移,压力和其他可能项目相关的各种计算。该软件与AutoCAD和microStation环境以及其他几种工程软件完全集成,允许您与它们交换信息。使用Autodesk Vehicle Tracking绝对可以为工程师,设计师,测绘工程师和政府带来巨大的好处。该计划的最小好处是更好地预测项目和提高效率。
Upgrade to Autodesk Vehicle Tracking 2015.2. Open the drawing in AutoCAD Civil 3D 2015. Select an Autodesk Vehicle Tracking roundabout. Run the _adskJunctionEdit command to display the Junction Properties dialog box and click Apply. This will update the approach and exit elevations of the roundabo...
Should I proceed and download vehicle tracking of similar version from the website? Meanwhile, I think it would be good for AUTODESK to advise their vendors that the AutoCAD and the vehicle tracking need to be of the same version. Because I purchased the tracking and AutoCAD software at the...
Implement a Smart BMS to monitor cell voltages, temperatures, and SoC in real-time. Simulate the BMS functionality using MATLAB Simulink to ensure safe operation and reliability of the battery pack, allowing real-time tracking of critical parameters. ...
The existing power tracking and power management system is designed to control the output of the solar panel array based on various mission profiles of the aircraft, taking into account the required maximum power and energy for different flight profiles and local solar time [22]. This ensures ...