see some military vehicles and racing modes (the waypoints are in place already: how about some checkpoint races?). The planned additions of a mission editor and sailboats should complete the package more thoroughly. Vehicle Simulator is not quite on the same level as big-budget flight sims,...
收起回复 来自Android客户端4楼2019-04-11 01:18 导弹360 降低高度 14 为什么不用履带mod呢 收起回复 来自Android客户端5楼2019-04-11 01:29 SIMS 绕岛飞行 11 巨佬 收起回复 来自Android客户端6楼2019-04-11 17:06 万年萝莉妮可尔 贴地俯瞰 9 巨佬 回复 来自Android客户端7楼2019-04-...
Finance 2018).1 However, compared to the overall stock of vehicles and their potential to address local and global environmental problems, the num- ber of electric vehicles needs to increase substantially and substitute vehicles with internal combustion engine in the next years (Sims et al. ...
What happens when the bug occurs?Whether or not you made any changes, when you attempt to back out of the Handling customization menu, the game gives the user a message which reads: "UPGRADE UNAVAILABLE: Cannot upgrade vehicle to (Tier A+/Tier S) as there are no events available to play...