A name, signature, Social Security number, physical characteristics or description, address, telephone number, passport number, driver’s license or state identification card number, insurance policy number, education, employment, employment history, account number, credit card number, debit card number,...
Shipping companies and insurance providers typically don’t cover personal items during auto transport. Additionally, customs regulations restrict what can remain in the vehicle during shipping. Remove all personal belongings, including electronics, clothing, tools, and any aftermarket accessories not permane...
Figure 3. Diagram of Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit flow For the trained model, this approach uses a single-shot detector (SSD) framework with a tuned MobileNetV1 as a feature extractor object recognition model, which has nearly 90 classification classes for object recognition. Out...
Coercion of drivers to violate requirements such as these could have an effect on their ability to operate CMVs safely, e.g., requiring a driver to operate a vehicle in interstate commerce when the owner had neither obtained operating authority registration from FMCSA nor filed proof of insurance...
Visualize the data live in a local dashboard or through an app that can be used globally. Track a car in real time, capturing primary parameters such as speed, engine revolutions per minute (RPM), fuel consumption, etc. Act as a car’s data recorder, which can be used by insurance com...
Visualize the data live in a local dashboard or through an app that can be used globally. Track a car in real time, capturing primary parameters such as speed, engine revolutions per minute (RPM), fuel consumption, etc. Act as a car’s data recorder, which can be used by insurance com...
independent non- executive director of CITIC Bank, the chairman of its nomination and remuneration committees and a member of its audit and related party transactions control committee, an independent director of CANADIAN SOLAR INC and an independent non-executive director of ACE Life Insurance Co.,...
23 Sex, date of birth, race/ethnicity, and insurance payor at last visit were determined from the EHR. We used ICD-9-CM codes to determine the presence of seizure disorder (345x) and disruptive behavior disorders (conduct disorder [312x] and oppositional defiant disorder [313.81]). For ...
aAll new drivers and drivers age 75 and older must take a driving exam to demonstrate driving ability. You must provide a vehicle that is licensed and properly equipped for the driver’s license classification you are seeking. You must show proof of vehicle insurance inside the Driver Services...
This method is yet useful and can be helpful for traffic police, insurance companies, and for the processing of remote claims, the results of this work might be directly applied to the creation of driving support and classification devices. The major goal of this study was to demonstrate and ...