Impact of anthropogenic disturbance on species diversity and vegetation structure of a lowland tropical rainforest was studied in the foothills of Eastern Himalaya, India. Tree species richness, density, basal area and the diversity indices were found si
These grasslands extend as a narrow swathe from northwestern India’s Himachal Pradesh, through southern Nepal into Bhutan and Arunachal Pradesh further east in India (Fig. 1). The ecoregion name is derived from the colloquial name for these grasslands, known as the Terai in the western range ...
An integrated approach of GIS, RUSLE and AHP to model soil erosion in West Kameng watershed, Arunachal Pradesh. J. Earth Syst. Sci. 129(1), 1-18 [16] Ding, R., Kang, S., Li, F., Zhang, Y., Tong, L., 2013. Evapotranspiration measurement and estimation using modified Priestley–...
An integrated approach of GIS, RUSLE and AHP to model soil erosion in West Kameng watershed, Arunachal Pradesh J. Earth Syst. Sci., 129 (1) (2020), pp. 1-18 Google Scholar Ding et al., 2013 R. Ding, S. Kang, F. Li, Y. Zhang, L. Tong Evapotranspiration measurement and estimation...
In this study, late Holocene vegetation, climate and human impacts were investigated using multiproxy data-pollen percentages, pollen accumulation rates (P
Arunachal PradeshCoexistence ApproachFossil floraMonsoonPalaeoclimateToday, Northeastern India receives some of the highest annual rainfall totals globally. The major portion of annual precipitation in this region falls during the Indian Summer Monsoon season (June–September); however, this region also ...
Soil erosion risk assessment of hilly terrain through integrated approach of RUSLE and geospatial technology: A case study of Tirap District, Arunachal Pradesh. Model. Earth Syst. Environ. 2018, 4, 373–381. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Zhou, Y.; Yi, Y.; Liu, H.; Tang, C.; Zhang, ...
Soil erosion risk assessment of hilly terrain through integrated approach of RUSLE and geospatial technology: A case study of Tirap District, Arunachal Pradesh. Model. Earth Syst. Environ. 2018, 4, 373–381. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Zhou, Y.; Yi, Y.; Liu, H.; Tang, C.; Zhang, ...
The Late Holocene fossil pollen records from the Zemu glacier, located in Yabuk, North Sikkim, in the eastern Himalayas, effectively generated quantitative climate reconstructions based on the transfer function model. The transfer function model was developed by establishing a modern pollen–climate cali...