W.: Vegetation dynamics on the dry sea floor of the Aral Sea, in: Sustainable land use in deserts, edited by: Breckle, S. W., Veste, M., and Wucherer, W., Springer, 52-69, 2001.Wucherer W, Breckle SW (2001) Vegetation dynamics on the dry sea floor of the Aral Sea. In: ...
The North American deserts present a diverse assemblage of plants and animals that reflect regional differences in elevation, temperature, and rainfall. There are four major North American deserts (with many subdivisions), each with a distinctive character. From northwest to southeast, these four deser...
The numerous plants and animals living in the soil release minerals from the parent material from which soil is formed, supply organic matter, aid in the translocation (movement) and aeration of the soil, and help protect the soil from erosion. The types of organisms growing or living in the...
In order to conserve the wildlife and protect it, various sanctuaries and national parks have been established. Wildlife week is celebrated in the first week of October, to create awareness of conserving the habitats of animals. Solved Questions for You Question: What are the important trees of ...
Distribution of types. The differences between vegetation types and their formations and associations lie in the size of the biomass that they produce. For example, the associations of arctic deserts and tundras and those of the tropical deserts are the least productive; tropical rain forests are ...
The alluvium replenishes the floodplains and enhances the productivity of the grasslands, which provide nutrition to a rich assemblage of small to large herbivores. The latter that includes some of Asia’s largest terrestrial animals, such as Asian elephants, Greater One-horned Rhinoceros, Wild Wate...
Actual cattle numbers ranged from 1000 to 1400 adult animals during this study. Decisions on herd size and rotation are made on the basis of available forage and water, recent rainfall, plant phenology, vegetation monitoring data, use history, and coordination with other activities such as ...
The objectives of this study are to (1) explore whether inland wind farms in deserts have significant effects on vegetation and whether the effects are positive or negative; (2) quantify the vegetation variations caused by the operation of wind farms in ecosystems; and (3) analyse whether the...
Vegetation fires are an ancient and essential component of the Earth system, and have shaped the evolution of plants, animals and biogeochemical processes. There are discernible global geographic and temporal patterns of fire activity reflecting the interplay of climate, vegetation and ignitions. Anthrop...
Pollen assemblages in surface soil and their relationships with vegetation and climate in northern Xinjiang. Chinese Journal of Ecology , 2018 , 37(12): 3499 -3507 Google Scholar [19] Li Yuecong, Xu Qinghai, Yang Xiaolan. Indicative study of pollen on vegetation in eastern deserts of Ch...