While strolling around the outside nursery area which houses many raised beds, I was puzzled by the wood being used. It looked rough hewed and I could not identify what kind of wood it was. In talking to Michel, one of the co-owners, I learned that the wood was pine and came from...
Farming is the nursery business committed to developing and handling various yields for vegetable and business utilization (e.g., blossoms, leafy vegetables, vegetables, and spices). The main challenges of these development frameworks are to improve plant development, yields, excellence, nutritious ...
The phytosanitary status of several local varieties of artichokes was assessed in the course of the project, according to the EU Directives 93/61/CEE and 93/62/CEE that require nursery productions to be virus-free [26]. 2.6. WP6—Databases The information collected throughout the project by ...