Market and Marketing Efficiency of Vegetable Trading in the Coimbatore District of Tamil Nadu: An Economic AnalysisShepherd's indexPrice spreadMarket efficiencySatisfaction indexA study was conducted on wholesale, retail and farmers' markets in Coimbatore to understand market efficiency, marketing efficiency...
Pérez-Marroquín, X.A., Estrada-Fernández, A.G., García-Ceja, A., Aguirre-Álvarez, G., León-López, A.: Agro-Food Waste as an Ingredient in Functional Beverage Processing: Sources, Functionality, Market and Regulation, (2023) Allaqaband, S., Dar, A.H., Patel, U., Kumar, ...
Check latest Gold, Silver, Platinum, Palladium and Diamond rates. Also find current Petrol, Diesel, Auto Gas, Kerosene and LPG prices. Find today's Vegetable, Fruit, Flower, Egg, Chicken, Mutton, Pork, Beef and Fish market prices. Also check live Exchang
Its been a while since I share Mexican recipe. I got nice poblano peppers from Farmer's market. Waiting for my mexican night so I can make it. I didn't wanted to make heavy , cheesy mexican dish so I create this light but filling and full of vegetables......
In this proposed work, an attempt is made to utilize the waste and low-cost vegetables (which are sugar digestive) bought from the market as biomass for the production of bio-energy. The energy produced from the bio-battery for different sugar digestive substances was noted and compared with ...
In Biotechnology of Biofertilizers for Rice Crop; Kannaiyan, S., Ed.; Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Publications: Coimbatore, India, 1990; p. 225. [Google Scholar] Yanni, Y.G. The effect of cyanobacteria and Azolla on the performance of rice under different levels of fertilizer-N. ...