Rich in B-Vitamins and antioxidants so essential for brain health, chayote is a humble vegetable that will not disappoint. Chayote leaves have long beenused to make a tea to dissolve kidney stonesand reduce high blood pressure. Is chayote high in uric acid? Also, chayote containslow purines(...
COMPOSITION FOR VEGETABLE COMPONENTS, WHICH HAS THE ABILITY TO REDUCE THE LEVEL OF URIC ACID IN BLOOD SERUMFIELD: pharmaceuticals.;SUBSTANCE: invention refers to pharmaceutical industry, namely to a composition reducing concentration of uric acid in blood serum. Composition is a mixture of plant ...
an increase in the amount of catechol, protocatechuic, chlorogenic, gallic, and syringic acids was noted in the fermented juice [55]. However, lactic acid fermentation does not increase all phenolic compounds. A decrease in hydroxybenzoic and hydroxycinnamic...
hyperglycemia–thatis,highlevelofbloodsugar.Chronic hyperglycemiaeventuallyhasseverelydetrimentaleffects ontheeyes,kidneys,nerves,heart,andbloodvessels.Fur- ther,diabetesmellitushasserioussideeffects,whichcon- sequentlyprovideopeningsforopportunitydiseases[1]. ...
Consumption of high-pressurized vegetable soup increase plasma vitamin C and decrease oxidative stress and inflammatory biomarkers in healthy humans. J Nutr 2004;134:3201-25.Sanchez-Moreno C, Cano MP, de Ancos B, et al. Consumption of high- pressurized vegetable soup increases plasma vitamin C ...
There is overwhelming epidemiological evidence that a high consumption of fruit and vegetables is associated with reduced mortality from cardiovascular disease, cancer, and other causes. (1-5) In part, this may simply indicate that high fruit and vegetable consumpt...
Total fat content and fatty acid profiles of the tissue samples,as well as serum uric acid,triglyceride,cholesterol,total protein,albumin,aspartate transaminase,and total bilirubin concentrations were assessed. Results High-fat diet feeding had no significant effects on the glucose tolerance of the ...
Nutrients 2015, 7, 5933-5947; doi:10.3390/nu7075259 OPEN ACCESS nutrients ISSN 2072-6643 Article High Vegetable Fats Intake Is Associated with High Resting Energy Expenditure in Vegetarians Tiziana Montalcini 1,*, Daniele De Bonis 2, Yvelise Ferro 2, Ilaria Carè ...
antioxidant activity [15], while alfalfa seed has been characterized with high polyphenol (51.68 gallic acid equivalent/g) and flavonoid (18.55 quercetin equivalent/gram) contents, which account for its potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects [16]. Thus, the bioactive compounds in vegetables...