and white boots. He would often wrap histailaround his armor in a belt-like fashion, and usually wore a redscouter(green in the manga) over his left eye. After the Saiyan Saga and during theNamek Saga, he wore a similar outfit to what he wore previously, but without hip or crotch gu...
Dragon Ball: Broly’s Next Legendary Super Saiyan Transformation Yet to be Seen in Anime and Manga Can Make Him Vegeta and Goku’s Equal Dragon Ball is a world full of many smaller worlds and just as many transformations with it. For almost every major fight that takes place, there is a...
Bills, the God of Destruction, hearing that a Saiyan has defeated Freeza, awakens from a long slumber. Bills tracks down Son Goku and challenges him to a fight… I read Dragonball Z as a manga. I didn’t watch the series as an anime nor does the anime bring any justice to the story...
During the Dark King Mechikabura Saga, in the game after acquiring Super Saiyan 4 Xeno Bardock called a cease-fire between himself and Xeno King Vegeta by appealing to Xeno King Vegeta's Saiyan pride. This can be seen as another parallel to evolution of their son's rivalry (who started ...
2048x2048 Vegeta Super Saiyan Blue Evolved Wallpaper"> Get Wallpaper 1400x1050 Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta from Dragon Ball Super F Saga [Dragon Ball Legends Art] HD wallpaper download"> Get Wallpaper 800x1733 Vegeta SSJ Blue, Anime, Super Saiyan Blue Evolution, Dragon Ball Super, Dragon...
I don't see what Gohan (In his ape form.) lifting a boulder has to do with Vegeta. Can you show me Vegeta lifting greater or large objects in general? I also don't see your point when you say "That's really a Saiyan Saga feat" Let's also address Wonder Woman's striking...
Fine, Kakarot, you are the mightiest Saiyan, I've admitted that much. At least for now. But don't you dare think that this is over. I won't let you keep me in second place forever, feeding on the scraps of your glory. I will surpass you, and even then I'