Leave a comment| Uncategorized| Permalink Posted by kurtsh Not very subtle, Elon. November 11, 2023 This is the new Tesla Cybertruck logo. Interesting messaging when you color in a few lines, isn’t it?
Irish-born actor Pierce Brosnan's striking good looks have been making people swoon for decades. Brosnan's introduction to fame came in the TV series "Remington Steele," but his celebrity truly took off when he was cast as James Bond in "GoldenEye" and three successive "Bond" films. Beyond...
看到了吧,应用在这里完美施展。 多完美 哇啊啊,我不要 Vintage Las Vegas THE STRIP LV BLVD FREMONT ABOUT ARCHIVE Tropicana, Las Vegas, 1964. Photos by Las Vegas News Bureau. (1) Las Vegas Blvd in the foreground, looking east. Garden room, aka 3000 wing positioned at a 45° angle was...
1978: Ben & Jerry’s founders take ice cream-making course Boston Globe // Getty Images 1978: Ben & Jerry’s founders take ice cream-making course A $5 correspondence course taught Jerry Greenfield and Ben Cohen everything they needed to know about starting an ice cream empire in 1978. La...