Fri 07| Day 16° N14km/h Partly cloudy. High 16°C. Winds N at 10 to 15 km/h. Humidity26% UV Index3 of 11 Sunrise06:36 Sunset17:14 Fri 07| Night 4° NW14km/h Partly cloudy. Low 4°C. Winds NW at 10 to 15 km/h. ...
Wed 05| Day 20° 4% S16km/h Generally clear. High 20°C. Winds S at 10 to 15 km/h. Humidity37% UV Index3 of 11 Sunrise06:38 Sunset17:12 Wed 05| Night 5° 1% WSW11km/h Generally clear. Low 5°C. Winds WSW at 10 to 15 km/h. ...
Check the local weather at for a ten-day forecast. Avoid driving at rush hour times when the roads in the city can become quite congested. The Strip is often slow-moving, and visitors are advised to use alternate nearby roads to reach their destination. Las Vegas is a great...
Throughout March, the city enjoys an average of ten hours ofsunshineeach day. With such a high amount of sunshine and median cloud coverage of 0%, you should get to experience many sunny days during your holiday. However, in spite of the sunshine, the average temperatures for March are st...
In 2014, the race became the first jumps race in the world to offer a prize pot of £1 million, and that record remains to this day. In the 70 races since the Second World War, only ten favorites have won the Grand National. George Stevens holds the record for the most wins as ...
We recommend reviewing a 7-dayLocal Las Vegas weather forecastfor specific weather events that may occur on your trip. In particular, check out the wind forecast since strong gusts that frequent the Great Basin region can severely hamper outdoor activities. ...
’ previous performances. Only a few days before the event, you can expect the bookmakers to release the odds for the 36-Hole leader, 54-Hole leader, and First Round Leader. The outcome of these predictions is mostly affected by weather conditions, so make sure to check out the forecast....
You might question why you have to check the weather forecast for outside when your carpets are inside. Well, as the weather will impact those who live in your home when they are outside, it will also influence how clean or not their shoes will be when they return home. Wet weather ca...
Historically on New Year’s Day, the average high temperature in Las Vegas is 56 degrees, while the average low is 38 degrees. As of this morning’s 12/31/22 update, the forecast predicts a high of 60 degrees today, with a low of 47 degrees. The hourly forecast predicts it will be...
Yeah. Thanks for the question. Again, we don't have a specific forecast on -- on how high the margins will rise to. I think you can look at the structure of the business. I mean, as Rob says, I mean, we -- we have a -- we have an excellent structure in terms of our busine...