Vegapunk in One Piece? Dr. Vegapunk, the scientific genius in One Piece, has made numerous significant contributions. His inventions have had a profound impact on various arcs like Thriller Bark, Sabaody Archipelago, Marineford, Punk Hazard, Whole Cake Island, Wano Country, and Egghead. He's...
In One Piece, the satellites play a crucial role in the Frontier Dome's restoration, but fail to stop CP0's intrusion. They face a potential conflict due to the risk of losing their island departure transport. However, they later collaborate with the Straw Hat Pirates and Vegapunk to appreh...
Dr. Vegapunk better known as Stella, is a major character in the manga/anime franchise One Piece. He is a scientist that works for the Marines and is responsible for providing them some of their powerful military weapons and equipment, most notably being the Pacifistas and Seraphim. He also...