It’s also become a surprisingly meaningful and evocative chronicle for me; I’ve tried to capture so much of the experience in sensory detail, because I don’t want to forget it. Which maybe sounds counterintuitive—so many people, upon hearing of my diagnosis, would react with something li...
Looking for vegan Barcelona tips? Click here to read the vegan guide to Barcelona and see best vegan restaurants in Barcelona, vegan shops and hotels.
Serving breakfast, brunch, lunch and on Friday nights—dinner, swing byJankenfor plant-based Japanese fare at its absolute best with loads of vegan dishes to get amongst. Mochi tofu benedict, plant-based lasagne, breakfast panna cotta, black sesame and cacao waffles… Best to take the whole ...
Best forSummer Veggie Agebitashi, Aleppo Pepper w/ barley & Lentil Miso, Potato Salad, Katsu Burger, Curry Udon, Tsukemono Amongst Portland vegan restaurants, Obon Shokudo is a great outlet that offers Japanese comfort items. With plant-based offerings, the eatery even provides a special menu t...
I am doing a little survey for my Japanese course here, about the difficulty and more flexible options of eating out as a vegetarian in Japan. Could you please spare 5-10 minutes and help me fill out my short questionnaire here? I know most things can already be found on this blog, bu...
-Turnips, rutabaga, yams, yellow summer squash, eggplant, Japanese eggplant, or sweet corn cut into two-inch slices If you use yams or another very dense veggie, just cut them into smaller pieces so they’ll cook evenly. Be careful when you bite into the grilled cherry tomatoes; they can...
In the first, nutrient intakes in ninety-four Japanese centenarians investigated between 1972 and 1973 showed a higher proportion of animal protein to total proteins than in contemporary average Japanese. The second demonstrated that high intakes of milk and fats and oils had favourable effects on ...
For my yummy Dipping Sauce, mix 1/3 cup vegan mayo with a tablespoon of Sriracha. Add a little chopped cilantro. This sauce is very similar in taste to the Japanese mayo at sushi restaurants. It’s seriously SO full of flavor, I could almost eat an entire block of tofu.Not kidding....
It’s that time of year, the ‘hunger gap’ veg farmers call it, but we still have lots of edible ‘weeds’ on offer in Wales. Nettles, sorrel, dandelions, chickweed, clover, wild garlic, burdock, even Japanese Knotweed is tasty!…. So much free food to forage! Even on your one a...
*Ramen is a popular Japanese dish the originates from China and the addition of coconut milk and curry paste is Thai-inspired. *Nutrition information is a rough estimate calculated using brown rice noodles and mushrooms with no additional toppings. ...