My brother and sister-in-law visited from Seattle for the holiday, and we had quite a nice, low-key Thanksgiving. We had a Gardein roast, stuffing, roasted Brussels sprouts, mashed potatoes, gravy, and a gingery sweet potato mash. Our friend Sara brought over a delicious cranberry sauce ...
I’ll leave this post with something I thought was ridiculous when I went to Target. Also, shout out to the amazingAlliance Bakeryfor the BEAUTIFUL job they did with our cake! I’ll post pictures of that cake up when I get some. It was lemon with a mango mousse filling. Yum! Why w...
I'm staying in the Yaletown district. I've never been to Vancouver before, but I'm hoping that some of Seattle's vegan influence (never been, but I've heard incredible things!) has rubbed off on Vancouver. I won't have a car, but I love walking around new cities, and I'm ...
Anyway, I’m excited to spend time with my family—even my brother is flying in from Seattle; by coincidence, he has a wedding to attend this weekend in RI. And I’ll get to see most of closest home-friends, some of whom I haven’t seen in ages. Basically, it’s going to be ...
Thanks, Angela W of Seattle, WA Reply clueless (visitor) Jun 18, 2012 | 10:15am Ohmy!! I made these 2 days ago and have had to show considerable self-control to not devour the entire batch. I didn't use raisins in mine. I sub'd dried cranberries. I also used about 1/2 cu...