Will I like Vega Protein & Greens? How many products do I need to buy to plant a tree? What is the amino acid profile? What are the vitamins and minerals in milligrams? What does Vegan mean to Vega? all plant. all welcome. Green isn’t just the color of our logo. As a ...
of protein (which has all essential amino acids) per serving. We understand reviewing specific amino acids is important to you so we’re happy to offer you the typical amino acid profile. This is the typical Amino acid profile calculated from supplier information for Vanilla Protein & Greens. ...
Vega Protein & Greens 浆果味 21.5盎司(609克) 巧克力,1.36磅 已有0人评价 Vega 简便植物基蛋白质 草莓香蕉味 9.3 盎司(263 克) 已有0人评价 二手21世纪中学生英汉多功能词典 (西班牙)维加(Vega L.d.) 胡真 已有0人评价 VEGA (维加) 品质植物基于震动粉末饮料混合椰子杏仁 ...
Vega Sport® Protein - Plant-Based Protein Powder This is an excellent choice for vegan protein. It mixes well into smoothies and provides high nutritional value beyond the protein. I have been using it for years now. –David Vega® Protein & Greens - Plant-Based Protein Powder Its ...
商品名称:Vega Protein & Greens 浆果味 21.5盎司(609克) 香草,1.35磅 商品编号:10103963262734 店铺: iHerb海外官方旗舰店 货号:85002 是否保健食品:机能食品(非食健字) 类别:混合蛋白 剂型:液体 包装形式:组合装 国产/进口:进口 更多参数>> 商品介绍加载中... 售后保障 卖家服务 京东承诺 京东平台卖家...
薄荷食物库 / 饮料 / Vega Protein&Greens蛋白粉(巧克力味) 健身人群 一般人群 Vega Protein&Greens蛋白粉(巧克力味)的热量和减肥功效热量:364 大卡(100克) 分类:饮料营养信息 营养素含量(每100克) 营养素含量(每100克) 热量(大卡)364.00 碳水化合物(克)18.18 脂肪(克)3.03 蛋白质(克)60.61 纤维素(克)6.06...
White Wave是美国植物食品饮品和有机食品的消费品生产公司,VEGA是White Wave旗下品牌。此款VEGA protein&greens系列植物蛋白蔬菜粉,主要含豌豆、印加果、黄米、植物麻蛋白、椰子、巴旦木等成分,将蛋白粉和蔬菜合二为一,每29g含20g植物来源的蛋白质、氨基酸,提供多种蛋白和营养素。规格:521g。
VeGa 超级植物营养餐 香草味 760克 Protein and Greens 爆料人: 熬夜酒桑椹 16-08-01发布 VeGa 超级植物营养餐 ,100%天然植物成分,富含植物混合,植物、和其它天然有效成分,有助于恢复锻炼后的肌肉,减少恢复时间,促进肌肉增长,减少脂肪,增强免疫系统功能,是运动后最重要和最有效的营养补剂,香草味道,不难吃,17点抢...
Vitacost Vega Protein & Greens Vanilla -- 26.8 oz历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名Vega Protein & Greens Vanilla -- 26.8 oz
From plant-based protein powders to drink mixes, shakes and bars, Vega has everything you need for daily nourishment.