Founded Year 2015 Stage Seed VC - II| Alive Total Raised $3.8M Last Raised $3.62M| 2 yrs ago About Vegdog Vegdog develops and sells vegan dog food within the pet nutrition industry. Their offerings include gluten-free and plant-based dog food that meets essential nutrient requir...
跟投机构:Katjes Greenfood,SFO 新闻来源 22020-08-17种子轮未披露未披露Katjes Greenfood- 相关新闻1 德国纯素宠粮品牌「VEGDOG」获350万欧元融资,纯素宠粮市场规模正在扩张 来源:brandstar.com发布日期:2022-11-28 相关竞品20 序号产品图片产品名融资信息成立日期所属地产品介绍关联企业 ...
PreviousDog Food - canned food Dog Food - Cheese BoneNextPRODUCT Fresh Vegs Frozen Vegs Frozen Berries Mushroom Instant Food Seafood Dried Vegs Dried Fruits Seasoning Health Snack Pet Food Packing Cat Food - dry fish Cat Food - Cheese squares Cat Food - snacks Cat Food - tuna Cat Food - ...
Dog Food - dry foodNumber of views:612 PreviousNo More Dog Food - Drying meat foodNextPRODUCT Fresh Vegs Frozen Vegs Frozen Berries Mushroom Instant Food Seafood Dried Vegs Dried Fruits Seasoning Health Snack Pet Food Packing Cat Food - dry fish Cat Food - Cheese squares Cat Food - snacks...
品牌方舟获悉,宠物食品品牌VEGDOG在最新一轮融资中筹集了350万欧元。由柏林知名投资机构Green Generation Fund(GGF)牵投,慕尼黑家族办公室Startup Family Office(SFO)及老股东Katjesgreenfood跟投。 目前GGF持有VEGDOG 13.7%的股份,Katjesgreenfood则持股15.1%。 VEGDOG
Hot dog is an extremely popular street food in the USA and is easily recognisable with its typical long bun a meat sausage and sauces on top. Hotdogs in America started during the early 19th century when a lot of Germans migrated to the USA. When they reached New York, they put out sm...
Buy Pawwfect Freshly Baked Original Veg Biscuits (Pack of 2 kg) 2 kg (2x1 kg) Dry New Born, Adult, Young, Senior Dog Food for Rs.399 online. Pawwfect Freshly Baked Original Veg Biscuits (Pack of 2 kg) 2 kg (2x1 kg) Dr...
VegNews is an award-winning vegan magazine and website packed with recipes, travel, news, food, reviews, and so much more.
深入剖析VEGDOG DTC品牌的成功案例。品牌方舟带来VEGDOG DTC品牌、VEGDOG DTC模式、VEGDOG DTC基础逻辑的深度分析,助力品牌出海从业者获取宝贵经验。
In May, the company further announced a partnership with the Korean-Style corn dog shop Two Hands to launch a vegan option containing UNLIMEAT’s vegan sausage. The plant-based meat company has now announced its first step into fish alternatives with a line of plant-based tuna products, as ...