1.veer and haul一放一收 2.veer out放出 3.veer round to改变(转变) 4.veer off偏离航向 5.veer around改变方向 6.veer round改变方向 7.veereddown转变方向 8.Her FeelingsVeeredRound她感情转变又 9.veer away松出 用法例句 1. The windveeredto the west. ...
change course,turn,swing,swerve,bend 英汉 英英 网络释义 v. 1. (意见,感情等)转变,改变 (round) 2. (风)转变方向;【气】风向(按时针方向)顺转;【航】掉转船尾向着风;顺风换抢 3. 使转变方向;【航】把(船尾)转向风;使处顺风方位 4. 放松(锚,缆等) (away; out) ...
The debate veered away from the main topic__(话题) of discussion.2. People are confused (迷惑的) about all the different labels on food these days.3. I have no hesitation inrecommending(推荐) her for the job.4. She has held the title of world champion for three years.5. We applied...
2.To turn away from a prescribed course of action or conduct: depart,deviate,digress,diverge,stray,swerve. Archaic:err. 3.To change the direction or course of: avert,deflect,deviate,divert,pivot,shift,swing,turn. The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Hought...
这很好理解:十年期国债收益率从十二月起,已经转入逾2%到近4%的区间。 As army officers broke away and sided with the rebels , and ammunition depots were raided , the stand-off veered towards civil war . 随著一些军官倒戈,转而支持反抗者,加上弹药库被抢,僵局才突然转变为内战。
Investors have veered away from online tradesReid Kanaley
aBut the linguistic turn of Wittgenstein (Wittgenstein, 1953) and even more so the recent practice turn (Schatzki, Knorr Cetina & Savigny, 2001) have veered radically away from such a view. 但Wittgenstein (Wittgenstein语言轮1953)和最近实践轮(Schatzki、Knorr Cetina & Savigny, 2001)从这样看法更加...
However, as the nation veered away from Jehovah’s ways, family life deteriorated. Ale jak se národ odkláněl od Jehovových cest, rodinný život se kazil. jw2019 The people of Bosnia and Herzegovina set out on that path on this very day # years ago, on July #, #, and...
英英 网络释义 v. 1. (意见,感情等)转变,改变 (round) 2. (风)转变方向;【气】风向(按时针方向)顺转;【航】掉转船尾向着风;顺风换抢 3. 使转变方向;【航】把(船尾)转向风;使处顺风方位 4. 放松(锚,缆等) (away; out) n. 1. 方向的改变 ...
英英释义 veer[ viə ] v. turn sharply; change direction abruptly "The motorbike veered to the right" 同义词:swervesheercurvetrendslueslewcut shift to a clockwise direction "the wind veered" 学习怎么用 词组短语 veer away松出 双语例句