添加好Linux库之后,左下方选择Home,然后点击左上方菜单按钮,选择Configuration Backup 在Enable configuration backup to the following repository选择刚才添加好的Linux库,然后点击右下角的Restore 因为我们这次要从之前的SQL Server迁移到新的PostgreSQL Server,所以选择迁移。 在Backup Repository选择添加好的Linux库,Backup ...
[root@PostgreSQL01 ~]# cd /etc/ld.so.conf.d/[root@PostgreSQL01 ld.so.conf.d]# touch postgresql-pgdg-libsV.conf[root@PostgreSQL01 ld.so.conf.d]# chmod 777 postgresql-pgdg-libsV.conf[root@PostgreSQL01 ld.so.conf.d]# vi postgresql-pgdg-libsV.conf[root@PostgreSQL01 ld.so.conf.d]...
The database engine (Microsoft SQL or PostgreSQL) used by Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager and all Veeam Backup & Replication servers it managesmust match. If you are migrating Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager to a new server, and the old Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager install was using Microsoft ...
Learn how to deploy and configure Veeam Backup for Google Cloud from the Google Cloud Marketplace.Google Services We Cover Compute Engine Persistent Disk Cloud SQL for MySQL Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL Cloud Storage Packaging Options Veeam Data Platform Veeam Backup for Google Cloud is availabl...
添加了新的备份基础架构检查,以确保托管配置数据库的 PostgreSQL 实例已使用推荐的设置进行配置。可以使用Set-VBRPSQLDatabaseServerLimitscmdlet应用这些设置。 现在,所有服务状态验证还会检查所检查的服务是否正在运行,而不仅仅是验证其启动类型。 改进了“主机到代理流量加密”测试,以覆盖额外的备份代理部署场景。
方法一:修改postgresql.conf配置文件 在C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\15\data\目录下有一个postgresql.conf配置文件里,找到如下配置项: 1)、#log_filename = 'postgresql-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log' 2)、log_rotation_age = 10d 3)、#log_rotation_size = 10MB 4)、#log_truncate_on_rotation = off 修改项:...
Directly backup to Veeam repositories with NEW Plug-in for Microsoft SQL Server, while NEW Veeam Explorer for PostgreSQL helps standardize recovery. Enterprise-grade Protection Management Simplify the management of large and complex environments with flexible policy-like jobs and new at-a-glance recovery...
Microsoft SQL server log backup job failed. Error Oracle Database log backup job completed with warning. Warning Oracle Database log backup job failed. Error PostgreSQL log backup job completed with warning. Warning PostgreSQL log backup job failed. Error Enterprise application log backup job complete...
U-AIR® (统一 通过直接从 环境中的备份文件启动 VM 和借助原生管理 应用程序项目 工具 应用程序,恢复任何虚拟化应用程序的单个对象, 恢复) 包括 PostgreSQL 和 MySQL 数据库。 自助服务 面向帮助台操作 员的一键文件和 通过 Web UI 一键恢复来宾账户文件和 VM 。 VM 恢复门户 概述 Veeam Backup 标准版 企业...
SQL server and instance (for Microsoft SQL) or SQL server an port (for PostgreSQL) where the configuration database will be deployed. Note that if you want to create a new SQL instance, you can only connect to a local host. VBREM_SQLSERVER_DATABASE No VeeamBackupReporting Configuration data...