Free Backup for VMs, Windows, Linux, Laptops, NAS, and More Veeam Backup & Replication Community Edition is the backup software to safely secure virtual, physical, and cloud workloads. It protects up to 10 workloads, including Proxmox VE, VMware, Hyper-V, Windows and Linux servers, laptops,...
Free Backup for VMs, Windows, Linux, Laptops, NAS, and More Veeam Backup & Replication Community Edition is the backup software to safely secure virtual, physical, and cloud workloads. It protects up to 10 workloads, including Proxmox VE, VMware, Hyper-V, Windows and Linux servers, laptops,...
Free Backup for VMs, Windows, Linux, Laptops, NAS, and More Veeam Backup & Replication Community Edition is the backup software to safely secure virtual, physical, and cloud workloads. It protects up to 10 workloads, including Proxmox VE, VMware, Hyper-V, Windows and Linux servers, laptops,...
# VM names separated by commas $VMNames = "Windows Server 1","Windows Server 2","CentOS 7" # vCenter name/IP $HostName = "" # Directory that VM backups should go to $Directory = "D:\Backup" # Desired compression level, following compression level from Veeam (Optional) $... 下载需要注册登录,也可以不注册而直接用谷歌账号登录 C盘留够至少30GB空间 C盘留够至少30GB空间 C盘留够至少30GB空间
windows2016系统安装sqlserver2014进行数据库感知、备份、还原centos7安装SAP备份插件 一、windows2022+Alma8搭建备份系统从官网下载Veeam Backup & Replication 11 其中免费社区版提供10个工作负载,而企业版购买后授权50个起步,本次实验使用社区免费版搭建配置为 8cpu 16Gram 200G硬盘...
由于之前安装过VB,所以这里选择已存在,如果是全新安装的话,可以选择第一个软件自带的2012精简版。如是生产环境或比较大型的环境,就单独安装SQL数据库,然后选择下图中的“Use existing instance of SQL Server”,再选择数据库实例。 安装完毕后进入VB,在SERVER中选择Add Server ...
Protect your data with our free comprehensive guide to server backup White Paper Fully Protecting Critical Veeam Data From Ransomware Using Immutability Solution Brief Power Backup + Affordable Storage = Astonishingly Easy Data Protection Help Article Quickstart Guides for B2 Integrations ...
Directly backup to Veeam repositories with NEW Plug-in for Microsoft SQL Server, while NEW Veeam Explorer for PostgreSQL helps standardize recovery. Enterprise-grade Protection Management Simplify the management of large and complex environments with flexible policy-like jobs and new at-a-glance recovery...
. VeeamZIP encapsulates all virtual disks and configuration settings for easy transfer of the VM. And backups are completely self-contained, with no dependency on a backup database or catalog.Other features include:Instant File-Level Recovery: Veeam Backup Free Edition comes with a full range of...