这两天,提供现代数据保护备份、恢复和数据管理解决方案的Veeam举办的年度用户大会VeeamON 2022召开,作为现代数据保护的年度盛会,今年采用了线上线下结合。VeeamON 2022通过现场和虚拟体验的融合,概述了公司对云、虚拟、物理、SaaS和Kubernetes环境中的数据保护愿景。在活动当天,Veeam亚太及日本高级副总裁Shiva Pillay以及...
近日Veeam在VeeamON 2022大会上公布了Veeam 2022勒索软件趋势报告,结果显示,网络犯罪分子平均成功加密了47%的生产数据,而受害者只能恢复69%的受影响数据。 根据该报告,企业在防御勒索软件攻击方面是失败的,有72%的组织对备份存储库进行了部分或完全的攻击测试,这极大地影响了他们在不支付赎金的情况下恢复数据的能力。...
Veeam's user conference drew about 1,500 people to Las Vegas and 45,000 virtual registrations. While Veeam CTO Danny Allan said that the vendor has already scheduled VeeamON 2023, it also plans to continue hosting hybrid events that users can access long after the physical eve...
Stay a step ahead of industry trends. Get inspired by customer success stories. Trade best practices with experts from all over the world. Tackle today’s greatest data resilience challenges. Meet the speaker lineup Need to think on it?
Server 2022 instantly finds and displays all SMB devices (without username and password) and after clicking on one of them, it asks for usr/pass to be able to access them. If I select share on Synology storage and save the configuration, the next backup goes to share withou...
Lightning-fast performance with 100% uptime 4 to 8x faster than competing solutions; 80TB/hour backup & restore and always-on SLA3 Flexible hardware and software integrationsRun Scality software on any standard server Ransomware-proof data protectionMulti-level protection with S3 Object Lock, SEC 17...
Designed and built specifically for Veeam's industry-leading backup and replication software, the CyberStore Veeam range of backup storage appliances provides total availability for the always-on enterprise Easy-to-Use Backup & Replication Server for VMware and Hyper-V ...
Server 2022 instantly finds and displays all SMB devices (without username and password) and after clicking on one of them, it asks for usr/pass to be able to access them. If I select share on Synology storage and save the configuration, the next backup goes to share withou...
These individuals have been nominated for the Veeam Vanguard Award. They are chosen for their acumen, engagement and style in their activities on and offline.
FULL BLOG Microsoft Azure DirectAccess EXCHANGE Microsoft 365 Server PROJECT HONOLULU Cyber Security CISCO MERAKI PIX CITRIX FIREWALL VEEAM NETWORK BOOKS AuthorsCategory: VEEAM How to Add Microsoft Entra ID Tenants to Backup Microsoft Entra ID Cary Sun February 7, 2025 No Comments on How to ...