Protect Microsoft 365 data with Veeam Backup. Secure Exchange, SharePoint, OneDrive, and Teams data. Trusted by 21M+ users for ultimate data protection.
Secure your Microsoft 365 data with Veeam's backup services. Ensure seamless protection and rapid recovery for Exchange, SharePoint, OneDrive, and Teams
Quickly and easily restore Microsoft Exchange items with Veeam Explorer for Microsoft Exchange Recover Active Directory objects, entire containers, OUs and user accounts with Veeam Explorer for Microsoft Active Directory Restore entire SharePoint sites; return deleted items back into production with Veeam ...
Veeam uses VSS to bring Exchange in an Application aware backup/restore state before snapshot are started. You can check this by Windows Event Log. There you can find Messages that say “Exchange VSS Writer <instance GUID> has
Exchange Veeam disrupts the status quo Powerful ● Unlock the power of SAN snapshots ● Leverage existing capabilities ● Best of both worlds: SAN snapshots = short RPOs Veeam recovery = short RTOs Easy-to-use ● Deploy in minutes, not weeks ● View snapshots alongside backups ● ...
Veeam provides specialized tools for application-aware backups, including Veeam Explorer for Microsoft Exchange, SQL Server, Active Directory, and SharePoint. These tools allow granular recovery of specific items, like emails or database records, without restoring the entire VM, saving time and ensuri...
For this scenario, we are choosing Exchange, Sharepoint/OneDrive, and Teams. Choose the Default region from the drop-down menu. Choose Basic Authentication or Modern Authentication, depending on your configuration. Click Next. For this scenario, we are using Modern Authentication with no legacy aut...
被病毒感染时,我们要具体情况具体分析,如果是整个Veeam备份架构被感染,这时就要用到Configuration Backup进行VBR配置的还原。如果是备份数据被感染,即备份时生产端数据已经被感染,这时候备份数据也是存在病毒的,如果直接恢复这个时间点的数据会造成二次感染,但Veeam可以利用secure restore的功能将备份时间点数据挂载到mount ...
为了完整地检验Veeam Backup Replication解决方案的所有先进功能,测试环境要求至少两台以上的X86服务器安装了VMware的VSphere 5虚拟化平台,每台服务器最少配置4个以上千兆网口,分别用于虚拟机的应用网络、ESXi服务器的管理网络、VMotion的心跳网络以及Veeam的备份和复制网络。虚拟化平台上有例如AD、Exchange、database、DNS...