Config File Location:/etc/VeeamAgentConfig Entry Name:AgentMaxLogCount Data:<numeric value> Default:10 Example:AgentMaxLogCount=32 Service Log Controls The settings in this section control the log directory and the log files of the services deployed on the Linux server. ...
The backup files are being moved to a new repository, but the existing Backup Job will continue to be used. This method will use the automapping function built-in to the software. Method B: New Job, New Backup location You are seeding a job or mapping a job to a backup chain in a ...
在action里选择snapshot, 选择daily和 snapshot retention, 在Select Application里选择by name, 然后在下拉框里选择mysql-wq, 在Advanced snapshot settings里,确认Location profile for Kanister actions里选择的是刚创建的wq-profile, 点击save policy或edit policy按钮,保存policy. 在刚创建的mysql-backup-policy里,...
--location:远程smb路径,或者是本地某个目录。 --username和--password:smb访问专属 整个命令的意思是:创建一个备份存储库(veeamconfig repository create),存储库名称(--name)叫“macbackup”,类型(--type)为“smb”共享文件夹,共享路径(--location)是“//IP地址/共享文件夹名” ,访问这个共享需要使用用户名(...
超时10分钟时间,备份日志信息就会提示报错。 解决方法: 在Agent的服务器上增加相关注册表项和键值。以秒为单位。 Value: MaxGuestScriptTimeoutSec Type: REG_DWORD Location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Veeam\Veeam Endpoint Backup 重启Agent服务。 再次启动备份策略,确认超过10分钟。
Figure 13. Specifying shared folder settings 18 EMC Data Domain and Veeam Bac kup Replic ation v9 Integration Guide Veeam Backup Replication config uration - CIFS 7. At the Repository step, apply the following settings: Align backup file data blocks : Off. Decompress backup data ...
Location: Prague, Czech Republic Re: Veeam Backup & Replication Console Fails to Open Post by Egor Yakovlev » Sun Oct 17, 2021 5:20 pm Hi Stephan, Path to config file is pretty much the same in v11, just a different sub Code: Select all C:\Users\[UserName]\AppData\...
Restoring an object storage bucket to its original location fails if the bucket has been removed from the source infrastructure. The max concurrent tasks prompt now bases its suggestion on both the RAM and CPU count of the backup proxy server, as opposed to core count only. ...
This document offers three backup target architectures: Cisco UCS S3260 Storage Server, Cisco UCS C240 All Flash rack server, and Pure Flash Array//C with a Cisco UCS C220 M5 rack server. The choice for any of these data protection Infrastructure platforms, depends on backup and restore ...
//www.veeam.comif you want to read more on Veeam Backup & Replication Server on Veeam Software AG's web page.The program is frequently placed in the C:\Program Files\Veeam\Backup and Replication folder. Take into account that this location can vary being determined by the user...